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Dr. Hasanain S.

Dr. Gulani brings abou exceptional surgical outcomes. Patients are very demanding but they get more than what they want is mindblowing.

I really admire Dr. Gulani’s out of the box thought process. With it, he is able to  raise the bar in standard of care. Creates own path away from the crowd. It also Gets rid of mental block. Patients who before this were turned away will now get treatment with excellent outcomes.

After my time spent with him, I can truly call Dr. Gulani the maestro of refractive surgery! GVI is the pinnacle, the  mean for refractive surgery, all thanks to the artist, the medical director, the chief surgeon behind it. Fortunate to have spent  few hours with the genius!!

Dr. Hasanain S.
Opthalmologist, Refractive and Cataract Surgeon

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Contact Form for Eye Surgeons

Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699