Ramdulari Y. (Singapore)
I and my wife, Mrs Ramdulari Yadav, had visited Gulani Vision Institute for eye checkup of self and eye checkup and cataract operations of both eyes for my wife.
I am writing to express our thanks and gratitude, specially on behalf my wife as she knows Hindi only, to Doctor Gulani and staff members of Gulani Vision Institute for excellent treatment and experience during course of our visits for treatments.
My wife’s both eyes had cataracts and left eye had scar and childhood injury that impacted vision more in left eye. We met Dr Gulani in his free eye checkup camp in Hindu Temple. People, in temple and in my office Merrill Lynch , spoke a lot about Dr Gulani’s expertise.
I and my wife had very excellent experience at GVI with Dr Gulani and his staff members. We have very warm feelings about Dr Gulani. My wife’s visions are very clear in right eye. She is able to see with left eye that was clinically blind before operation. She is very comfortable with her visions.
After our personal experience of my wife’s eye treatment and interactions during the pre and post cataract surgery our opinions about Dr Gulani’s expertise, surgical skills and making patient feel totally comfortable had been reinforced to what we heard about him. We would recommend other patients, specially with vision complications, not only in USA but where ever we are in the world to GVI. I would like my own cataract surgery also to be done by Dr Gulani at later date. Further I would recommend Indian patients with vision complications to Dr Gulani. I would suggest to Dr Gulani, when his time and convenience permits, to visit India to treat some patients there and more for sharing is knowledge , experience and surgery techniques with Indian eye doctors too.
My wife blesses Doctor Gulani to live long , achieve still greater expertise in the areas of eye treatments, serve the patients and humanity to overcome their vision deficiencies, and spread his knowledge and expertise to future doctors to carry on the mission of eye care.
Mr. Jairaj and Ramdulari Y.