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Valerie C.

I was constantly tearing, itching, and having blurred vision. I had a hard time focusing on what was going on around me, and felt very limited to what I can touch or be around in fear my eyes would worsen. I had severe Dry eyes from Lasik eye surgery with another surgeon.

“My eye doctor, Dr. Houser asked for me to go to Dr. Gulani as he said he had innovative ways of correcting Dry Eyes.

Great doctor! I enjoy learning about the dry eye treatment and trust his results. He performed MGP treatment on me and I am doing great.

My daughter( a toddler) can touch my face without her mother again from the pain- I feel like I’m able to do a lot more and take in my environment.

Dr. Gulani is very knowledgeable and patient. I shall refer all my friends to him

Valerie C.
Jacksonville, FL


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Contact Form for Eye Surgeons

Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699