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Beyond Lasik: Gulani LaZrPlastique

“I wasn’t a Lasik candidate but Dr. Arun C. Gulani said he can fix my eyes! My grandmother told me he was the best, he has done her eyes too. Before this surgrey I could hardly see, I’m a paddle boarding coach and would constantly worry about losing my glasses and not being able to work, drive, or SEE! Now that worry is gone, 20/20 vision is what I’m walking away with, along with inspirational business advice to help grow my paddling company, Swimming Lizard Paddle LLC”

– Kelsey B.

Contact Form for Patients
Contact Form for Eye Surgeons

Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699