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Dentists and Radial Keratotomy (RK)

Radial keratotomy (RK) is a surgery that was very popular in the 1980s to correct nearsightedness by performing radial (like spokes of a wheel) , incisions in the cornea using diamond blades at micron precision.
Invented by a Russian ophthalmologist, late Dr.Slava Fyodorov, this procedure gained immediate popularity for hordes of patients seeking glasses independence.

Many dental surgeons sought this procedure due to their unique professional requirements to see at long and intermediate distance especially into oral cavities with less than optimal lighting conditions.

Though I personally never supported RK surgery despite my friendship and camaraderie with Slava, somehow, my practice has become a worldwide referral center for RK complication correction.

Many dental surgeons I have helped have returned back to their lives and profession with a new zeal with their post RK vision restored and in many cases even to 20/20 without any glasses or contact lenses.

I continue to share my experience of nearly 3 decades of correcting RK eyes with various Laser and lens based techniques including combinations with colleagues worldwide.

Patients with RK problems need not despair. Yes, they are more complex and less predictable but in most cases can still be corrected

Dr. Gulani With Patients

“Three Dental surgeons in One day”

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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699