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LaZrPlastique™: The NextGen LASIK surgery

ast month, the Wall Street Journal carried a major story on pain and dryness after LASIK surgery warning the local consumers blinded by Lasik deals, “cookie-Cutter”, “One size fits All” LASIK techniques , it is apt that my most important advice and dictum in the world of Lasik be served again.

Having interviewed all over the nation in different news media, I shared my concerns over the article and educative points for consumers therein, as also for Lasik surgeons.

First and Foremost, Lasik is a very successful surgery and millions have been safely executed worldwide. It is imperative though for consumers to understand that LASIK is only one among 20 different Laser Vision Techniques among nearly 40 different Vision Corrective techniques (surgeries to get rid of glasses and contact lenses) among innumerable combinations and permutations. So don’t ask for LASIK, ask for what procedure and technology is right for you.

Side effects and Complications from LASIK surgery are real and though rare, can change your life for the worse. Despite 70% of my practice being devoted to receiving patients referred from all over the world with Lasik complications, and in most of the cases my having successfully restored their vision, I still say; Prevention is the best strategy!

Mistakes can happen and surgery is never guaranteed but to go into an elective surgery (LASIK) and end up with poor vision or adverse symptoms, is unacceptable.

Falling for price deals and specials or thinking you can have Lasik during your lunch hour or on a weekend, sounds great but please do your due diligence. I sincerely believe that all Lasik surgeons have the best intentions for all their patients but offering only one kind of surgery has inherent limitations for consistent outcomes.

Follow my 5 checkpoints please:

1. Do check your Lasik surgeon’s credentials. If they say they advertise saying they are the best, First or Renowned; ask for proof (Best in the World, Country, State, City in that order of decreasing importance).

2. Do review your Lasik surgeon’s background and track record

3. Meet with your Lasik surgeon and ask the questions as to why they have selected that particular surgery for you and are they trained in all vision corrective techniques including complication management and again ask for proof.

4. Do insist on being seen by your Lasik surgeon before, during and after your Lasik surgery

5. Ensure you can contact your Lasik surgeon any time after surgery

Notice all my 5 points include Lasik surgeon (Surgeon, Surgeon, Surgeon). Nothing else matters! Technology hype, financial deals and advertising jargons are not as bearing as is the surgeon skills and confidence.

Do not fall for any flashy technology promises or deals or guarantees. In my three decades of fixing these complications for Lasik surgeons, the technology they used did not matter much.

Most of the complications of LASIK surgery (like dry eyes, scars, irregular vision) happen due the cutting of the corneal flap (whether it is done with a blade or laser). SMILE, a new twist on LASIK surgery can also be a source of complications and side effects, I see referred to our practice.

LaZrPlastique™: Over three decades of persistent innovations and industry liaisons along with my international privileges, I have honed this surgery (LaZrplastique™) in my dedicated desire to raise the bar on safety for patients while always aiming for vision beyond 2020.

This technique is able to provide a minimally invasive, aesthetically pleasing and visually focused surgery in a single process that is aimed for each patient’s Best Vision Potential (BVP).

LaZrPlastique™ is a “No-Cut”, “No-Blades” Laser Vision technique beyond regular Lasik surgery that without cutting delivers vision thus maintaining the integrity of the cornea, avoiding these side effects including Dry eyes and yet delivering vision with a safe and consistent track record. This smooth surface technique can even be used in cases which are “Not a Candidates” for regular Lasik

Thin Corneas, High Astigmatisms and also Presbyopia can be successfully treated with this technique. Additionally, LASIK complications and Premium Cataract surgery complications can also be addressed.

With a Zero Re-Treatment rate and Zero complication rate over two decades despite performing surgery on some of the most demanding patients from all over the world, I am encouraged to share my work with Lasik surgeons worldwide in the best interest of patients.

Everybody deserves to see without glasses and contact lenses and enjoy their visual freedom maximized to their best vision potential.

That dream of mine for the entire world is round the corner now but may I request you to be vigilant about your own eye health and do your due diligence.

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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699