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Patient Karen Z. Is Thankful for a Gift of Vision from Dr Gulani

“John and i were sharing time with one of our favorite doctors Dr. Arun Gulani after Johns 6 months exam.
We were sharing how we are thankful for his excellence and that the end result after his surgery gave each of us a life quality change
16 years ago John begin to investigate different Ophthalmologists who could remove a pterygium an advanncing growth from his eye.
All the doctors Except Dr. Guilani said it would grow back. This procedure was successfully done on John’s eye 16 years ago With No reaccurence. I to had successful care with our special doctor.

Dr. Gulani is willing to push the boundaries of accepted mediocrity and because he bares much good fruit from his teaching and his surgeries he is able to achieve results that others don’t believe are possible. When others are willing to settle for yesterdays care he is always desiring greater.

He desires excellence And knows GOD is resonsible for his abilities. It is amazing to us with all the honors he has received GOD has protected humility. It is refreshing to see a Doctor meet with his patients on a recall instead of a P.A. and share his heart for people and at times a wondering why others in his profession won’t listen to new ideas with proven success.

So around our table we add a thanksgiving for this Doctor who GOD used to bless our lives.

Bless you Dr. Gulani”

– Karen Z.

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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699