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Radial Keratotmy (RK) Reversed to 20/20

Dr. Gulani With Harry

I had an RK procedure in May of 1986. Before the surgery my prescription was approximately -4.25 diopters for each eye. For about 7 years I had good vision, but then my vision graually transitioned to an opposite prescription. Eventually, my vision had shifted to a +7 diopters. I was having trouble getting a proper set of glasses made for me. I talked with numerous Lasik surgeons and eye doctors; all of them said they could not help me. Additionally, I was in the early stages of cataract development (age 55).

Finally, I found an outstanding surgeon by the name of Dr. Arun Gulani who just happened to be here in Jacksonville, FL. (world-renowned) We had a long, detailed discussion concerning my eyes and the effect that RK had on them. He outlined a plan to restore my vision to 20/20 at all ranges and we implemented his solution.

First, he fixed my cataract issues by replacing my internal lenses with ReStor lenses. If you are not familiar with these lenses, they are similar to the lenses that are normally used during cataract surgery but, unlike those single-vision lenses, these have multiple rings that each have a different magnification factor. (you can reasearch them on the internet for more detailed info on them). These lenses made my vision very good but I still needed some adjustments to fine-tune my vision and to fix some astigmatism. After he finished the cataract surgeries, he fine-tuned my vision to 20/20 by using a laser procedure called Advanced Surface Ablasion (ASA). The end result is that I still, four years later, have 20/20 vision at all ranges without either glasses or starbursts. In fact, I would say that my night vision is absolutely outstanding!

I wouldn’t give up hope, there is somebody out there who can help. (

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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699