Like No Place on Earth
Fondly known as the daVinci of eye surgery for his Artistry, surgical skills and award-winning futuristic innovations, Dr. Arun C. Gulani is a world destination for patients, eye surgeons and the eye care industry. Having raised eye surgery to an ART, he has now raised the bar on the “Experience” of surgery itself by building one of the world’s most Elegant and Futuristic “in-Office” eye surgical suite; the Gulani Vision Suite.

“Like no place on Earth.” – Melody C., Australia
Patients from all over the world have described our institute and surgical spa with various superlatives like “out of this world,” “world of Gulani Vision,” “the Gulani planet” and “like no place on earth”. These superlatives underscore the ambience, experience, and outcomes like none other on earth!

The five-star architecture and ambiance of our institute reflects Dr. Gulani’s personal design and architectural endeavor in creating an ambience of peaceful, personal and focused customer service from matching upholstery to curving walls and transparent vistas artistically interwoven with LED lights emitted from cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment laser technologies. This cool and comfortable ambience is further complimented by the warm reception and focused attention of each of our compassionate and competent staff.
World’s First Cataract SPA

Constantly leading the world in designing the future of vision, Dr. Gulani founded the world’s first trademarked registered (US PTO) Cataract SPA. While most cataract surgeries in the nation and world are performed in hospitals and surgical centers (ASC) where a rushed and impersonal environment is the norm besides possibly injections, needles, and being wheeled in and out on a gurney imagine having your cataract surgery in a spa-like ambience with soothing music, without needles or injections, and then walking out into the arms of your loved-ones to celebrate your new found Gulani Vision.

No Cut, No Blade Laser Suite

Having raised Lasik surgery to an ART Dr. Gulani performs his proprietary “No-Cut, No-Blade” Laser Techniques from Femtosecond to Excimer Laser technologies addressing the full-range of vision corrective disorders while also fixing complications for worldwide patients.

This unique and unrivaled combination of personalized care, surgical outcomes and lifelong comradery, has been fondly described by our worldwide patients as the Gulani Vision Experience! Where else in the world does the world’s most sought after eye surgeon who you traveled to see personally greets you on your arrival, spends hours in consultation, performs what many other surgeons said can’t be done, remembers you by name and becomes a friend for life?
Our entire practice is uniquely patient-centered with no incentive for neither staff nor doctor that could tarnish our decision-making process.

Unlike most medical practices where patients are overbooked, delayed and waiting, rushed through to feed a “cookie-cutter” surgical mill, Dr. Gulani continues to defy the business of medicine by upholding his values and integrity in providing for patients like he would his family.

We are flattered that many patients and eye surgeons have described Dr. Gulani’s results as “miraculous” especially since most of these patients were told that nothing could be done. With complete mastery of technology and full spectrum of surgical techniques along with a backbone of safety and integrity allows Dr. Gulani to pursue his relentless passion to make people see.

Our track record of Zero retreatments (touchups, tune-ups, enhancements) and blindness, along with an enviable history of successful outcomes, in many cases even beyond 20/20 is a direct impact of Dr. Gulani’s personalized, custom designed approach for each eye to maximize its best visual potential.