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Stem Cell Disorder to 20/20 – Black Hawk Pilot Gets “GulaniVision”

This Pilot was referred by Dr. Scheffer Tseng from Miami following Amniotic surgery for Vision Rehabilitation using Gulani Corneoplastique Principles. In this video, Dr. Gulani uses Scar peel with Excimer Laser and Patient’s unedited reaction are recorded. Dr. Gulani was teaching visiting surgeons that the patient’s perception is the only way to guage true success.

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Dr. Gulani in the NEWS: Vision beyond 20/20, the Time is NOW!

Patients from Prague, London, New York, California, Utah, Hong Kong and Alaska fly to Dr. Gulani with 20/20 vision seeking surgery. For over a decade, Dr. Gulani has been encouraging eye surgeons to fight for vision beyond 20/20 in every patient. He often quotes his anecdote “In the near future, a patient will walk into […]

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ONE-EYED Corneal scar patient sees in Minutes

ONE-EYED Corneal Scar patient sees immediately while still under the Laser. Gulani Laser Corneoplastique. Visiting surgeon, Dr. Nagendra Shah exclaims a “Wow” in disbelief.

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Button Hole Lasik Complication to 20/20 Vision

Button Hole LASIK complication to 20/20 Vision: Gulani Laser Corneoplastique, ART of Vision.

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Cataract Surgery: The GULANI Concepts on TV

Dr. Gulani explains his concepts of cataract surgery and how he calls it an “Opportunity” to help people see the Best they can for the Rest of their life. Therefore , he is against “Cookie-Cutter” cataract surgery but believes each case should have customized Techniques and Technology to reach a custom Target (Vision).

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Witnessing Dr. Gulani’s World Famous No- Stitch Pterygium Surgery

Visiting surgeon, Dr. Nagendra Shah from India witnesses next day outcomes of Dr.Gulani’s No-Stitch amniotic surgery for Pterygium.

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In the LION’s Cage: Correcting RK (Radial Keratotomy) – For Eye Surgeons Only!

Visiting eye surgeons at our institute in state of awe after seeing Dr.Gulani’s surgery and outcomes. “He is truly the daVinci of eye surgery. Mind blowing!” At their request, we have compiled Dr.Gulani’s work on post Radial-Keratotomy Cataract surgery. Dr.Gulani came in on weekend to do voice over Ad-verbatim on video. Being published next month […]

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Corneal Transplant raised to an ART: Gulani REFEK technique

An endothelial corneal transplant can be performed in a number of ways ie. DSEK, DSAEK,DMEK and PDEK but Dr. Gulani emphasized to visiting surgeons that the mindset of emmetropia must never be lost. “Keep surgery elegant and always aiming for Perfect vision. Enhance Vision while performing the specialized corneal transplant to enhance vision and even […]

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LASER Cataract Surgery: Technology & Beyond

Femto Laser Cataract surgery in Nystagmus Case:A Necessity? Optician with 30 years experience brought from blindness to 20/25 vision. Dr. Gulani taught eye surgeons about use of Femto Lasers in Cataract surgery may be a necessity in complex cases like these with Nystagmus and White Cataracts.

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Radial Keratotomy (RK): Conquered!

Radial Keratotomy Cataracts: In The LION’s Cage Dr.Gulani shares his pearls for Cataract surgery in Radial Keratotomy (RK) cases in turning them back to 20/20. Technology & Technique raised to an ART.

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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699