Category: Events
Gators 🐊 & Dawgs at GulaniVision!
Gators 🐊 & Dawgs at GulaniVision! A pleasant coincidence as I operated on true blood #gator, Bob who had traveled from California for his #radialkeratotomy & #pterygium corrective surgery ( notice the color of my surgery suite: Orange & Blue)while I had the pleasure of hosting my amazing eye surgeon colleague Dr. Johnny Gayton (a […]
Pinned by UnitedNations!
“Pinned by UnitedNations! #UnitedNations Ambassador paid a surprise visit to our institute to honor my work with a #certificate and gifted their #pin which incidentally matched my suit color; which I had released today as part of my Fall Fashion line of #gulanifashion suits. As a regular day at my Institute, there were patients from […]
HE is Back! – posted by Melisa@GulaniVision
Dr.Gulani returned back after a whirlwind teaching tour abroad to a pile of Thank you letters and emails from all over the world. Back in his saddle; patients fly back with GulaniVision as next week’s patients start landing in Jacksonville
This is how we Roll! First In World at World NFL event.
As the World’s biggest Scoreboards and first ever stadium Swimming pools with private Cabanas were revealed yesterday at Everbank Stadium, Dr.Gulani as a world icon was invited to grace this occasion. He treated his Amazing team to this once in a lifetime event. Sitting in the pool watching the game, giant scoreboard introduction, sharing our […]
Making Transplants Extinct 🦖 : Worldwide webinar:
Encouraging Eye surgeons worldwide to raise surgery to an art and unleash their patient’s vision
Flashback: Happy National Ice Cream Day!
#nationalicecreamdayHow far will I go for Icecream🍦 ?How about after speaking to 1000s of eye surgeon attendees at the American Academy of ophthalmology conference in San Francisco, sneaking out during my own felicitation dinner and walking for 2 miles in the dark alleys to make it just before closing time to the Ghirardelli store from […]
Upcoming: Worldwide Webinar!
Upcoming: Worldwide Webinar!rnIt’s my pleasure to accept the invite among an international faculty to address the current status of the world of medicine and how we all can get back together keeping safety as a top priority and yet defining new rules for the new future.