Category: News
GulaniVision; VISION & PASSION: #gulanibeyond2020
“He’s All In! I have found the reasons for his Miracles: Dr. Gulani is All IN, he fearlessly fights for your vision and then he delivers what everyone says is impossible. Today, my wife with multiple Radial Keratotomy scars, high Irregular Astigmatism and complex Cataracts has landed on the Gulani Threshold of 20/20. Dr. Gulani […]
Radial Keratotomy to 20/20: #gulanibeyond2020
“I wish I had a THIRD EYE for Dr.Gulani to work on” – RK (Radial Keratotomy) patient regains 20/20 vision in each eye After years of suffering, Jim regains 20/20 vision in each eye with Dr.Gulani’s Laser techniques. He travelled to our Institute to present the first copy of his authored Book to Dr.Gulani (and […]
Wish you all a wonderful New Year! As we start the year 2020, I wish to dedicate my innovations toward the final frontier of eye surgery; Presbyopia (reading glasses = cheaters) not only by honing nearly three decades of surgical innovation in this direction but also by building the world’s first Presbyopia Vision Suite. Have […]
Patty D.: #gulanibeyond2020
“Valentines Vision; I saw an Angel! Today is my day-one post surgery on Valentines, and here I am seeing already, having witnessed surgical reverence, humility, and excellence that lead to my so-called impossible, yet outstanding results. I think I’ve seen an angel! Thank you Dr. Arun C. Gulani!” – Patty D.
Refractive Complications to 20/20
Refractive Complications to 20/20 This is REFRACTIVE Surgery Course: Posted by TeamGulaniAcademy A patient with 12 failed procedures for Keratoconus is taken to 2020 Vision without glasses
Cataract Surgery; The FUTURE is NOW ! Patient with Radial Keratotomy Complications and Cataract right after his complex surgery.#gulanibeyond2020
“Here we are, right out of surgery on Steve’s second eye, which was said to be extremely difficult by his ophthalmologist. She suggested we consult with Dr. Gulani, as he does amazing things that other surgeons cannot. Steve is right out of surgery, feeling no pain or discomfort, and in the best of spirits. We […]
Veronica’s Vision for Valentines
“Going from “Not A Candidate” to 20/20 with Dr. Gulani’s uniquely designed laser technique has surpassed by his personal touch. 7 years later, I walk into his institute and he still greets me personally remembering me by first name. The best gift anyone can ask for on Valentines Day from the Man of Vision!” – […]