Category: News
Keratoconus to GulaniVision: #gulanibeyond2020
Keratoconus Konquerer: No Limits for Dr.Gulani and how he fights for our vision by designing unique surgical plans (His “Think Outside the Cone” concept). Here I am, free and happy when every eye surgeon called me “impossible”. He is a combination of daVinci and Michelangelo, where he can not only think into the future but […]
EGYPT to DUBAI To CANADA to GulaniVision!: #gulanibeyond2020 #keratoconus #Intacs #Crosslinking
Thank you for a record-breaking participation in our Worldwide Keratoconus Webinar last night.#CorneaGen For participating eye surgeons who contacted me for more, here is today’s patient. A young man who traveled from Cairo, Egypt referred to us by his eye surgeons in Dubai and Canada after multiple #crosslinkings and PTK surgeries with 355 KeraRing for […]
Stephan C. #gulanibeyond2020
“I went from a rather severe astigmatism to having better than 20/20 vision. I had been told I wasn’t a candidate for lasik. For anyone else who may think they don’t qualify because of their astigmatism, go ahead and give Gulani Vision Institute a call. Arun Gulani is one of the best in the world […]
Carolyn G.: #gulanibeyond2020
The PRICE he pays! Taking patients like us that other surgeons said were not only highly complex but nearly impossible and yet bringing us to perfect vision, like my case with my very complicated, only seeing eye (one eyed) straight to 20/20 and that too without glasses, then seeing you himself at every single visit […]
Turning The Aircraft Carrier!
“Turning The Aircraft Carrier! Today is Steve’s Birthday and Day 1 post surgery and I’m thrilled that Dr. Gulani has repaired his RK complications when other Drs were reluctant to do so. Dr. Gulani is single-handedly turning the aircraft carrier on which most eye surgeons are comfortably cruising along. With his results, abilities, vision and […]
Too Good, But True! #gulanibeyond2020
When I kept seeing such positive stories from Gulani patients, I felt “this is too good to be true”, with skepticism I came with my loved one for his complex cataract surgery looking for a “catch”. Not only could I find not find any, I kept getting blown away at how amazing everything was from […]
Caught In Action! #gulanibeyond2020
Caught in Action! – Posted by Melisa@GVI World’s greatest Eye surgeon offers to chauffeur his patients who did not have a ride home in his Porsche. We just had to share. Just another day at GulaniVision! #OnlyDrGulani #Amazingdoc #BeyondHuman
Complex, Subluxed Cataract with Floppy Iris poorly-dilating pupil in Nystagmus with high Irregular Astigmatism to 2020 Vision. #gulanibeyond2020
Hi everyone just wanted to pass along something that Tom sent to me about his recent eye surgery at the Gulani Vision Institute with Dr Arun C. Gulani. I am so glad that I had seen Dr. Gulani on channel 4 news. Hey Deanie I saw where Nikki Preede Kimbleton of channel 4 news had […]
Worldwide Webinar Coming Up | Think Outside the Cone A Refractive Approach to Keratoconus
Wednesday, Jan. 29th, 2020 6:00 PM PST / 9:00 PM EST Speaker: Arun Gulani, M.D., M.S. Founding Director & Chief Surgeon: Gulani Vision Institute Global CEO: GulaniVision Surgery Suites Jacksonville, Florida – USA In this webinar, world-renowned LASIK, Cataract, and Corneal surgeon, Arun Gulani, M.D., will discuss his refractive approach to vision correlation in Keratoconus. […]