Category: News
Humans of GulaniVIsion! #gulanibeyond2020
Humans of Gulani Vision: As I walked into Gulani Vision Institute I met Suzanna. She is the artist that depicted Dr. Gulani as Da Vinci back in 2008 when he fixed her advanced astigmatism. He fixed my botched Lasik surgery and brought me to 20/20 so that I was able to make this quilt embodying […]
Vision & Passion like no other #gulanibeyond2020
“SHOWING It Like It Is! Not only did Dr. Gulani correct our previous surgeon’s botched surgeries to perfection , what is also amazing is how much he cares. Last Sunday, we called our previous eye surgeon in regards to our eyes and did not respond. We called Dr. Gulani. WOW, here was the world’s greatest […]
Nikki K.: #gulanibeyond2020
“It’s amazing… I can see!!!! I honestly burst into tears when he finished and I opened my eyes. I was not a candidate for lasik… several doctors told me their was no hope for correcting my vision. I was legally blind. But Dr. Gulani invented a procedure for people just like me. People from all […]
Faith and Performance: GulaniVision! #gulanibeyond2020
“NOT BY RISK BUT BY FAITH!!! Here is a man, God given man, who takes eyes that other doctors call risks and won’t touch; and by faith, not in himself but the gift of God, gives life and hope to those whom have given up. I am 65 years old, have been in glasses since […]
Thin Cornea, #Astigmatism; Not a Candidate to #2020: #gulanibeyond2020
Yesterday was Day One after Andrew’s Specially Designed LASIK surgery & he’s seeing 20/20! Amazing, Dr. Arun C. Gulani. In addition to being the best surgeon, he’s so attentive & treated us like family. Dr. Gulani has designed LASIK surgery instruments & fixes complications of other LASIK surgeons. We are so happy with the results!
Rene T.: Beyond Vision: GulaniVision! #gulanibeyond2020
GULANIVISION: An Experience beyond VISION! On My Birthday, the Gift of Designer Cataract Surgery. Today is Day 1 and He has delivered what he is World famous for. When most eye surgeons could not, Dr. Gulani designed a cataract surgery customized to my unique eyes to bring me to 20/20. His commitment, passion, surgical delivery, […]
FOOTBALL & ASTIGMATISM: LOMBARDI & GULANI #lombardi #Superbowl #gulanibeyond2020
SUPER BOWLED: Vince LOMBARDI’s daughter, Susan underwent Corrective surgery for her FOOTBALL shaped eye. #GoJags Setting Sights on the LOMBARDI Trophy – posted by Melisa@GulaniVision. Way to Go Arun C. Gulani
Combined Corneal & Lens Complications to GulaniVision! #gulanibeyond2020
The Doctor Who Motivates MONDAY itself! Here was my eye with blinding traumatic scar and traumatic cataract with multiple Lasik failures. And here I am today smiling away when no other surgeon wanted to touch my eyes. #gulanibeyond2020 #MotivationalMonday
Dr.Gulani’s Motivation; His Patients!: #gulanibeyond2020
“If you’ve been told by all the doctors that “nothing can be done for your vision” Don’t Give Up! Just find the right Dr. 🙂 I was born with just about every eye disorder possible, including myopia (Nearsighted with -10), nystagmus (moving eyes), high irregular astigmatism, keratoconus (cone shaped cornea), and to make matters worse, […]
Vicky J: #gulanibeyond2020
“Traveling to Da Vinci of the eyes surgery” Every eye surgeon I’ve been to said not only I can not have surgery but it is also dangerous, but I know there is ONE man who will fight for my vision and I travel to him to start my journey like thousands of others before. Just […]