Category: News
Dr. Gulani WALKS the WALK: Femto Laser a Neccessity?
In keeping with his teachings as published in Ophthalmology Times that Mature cataracts today should have access to Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery, Dr. Gulani helps this gentleman with Mature cataract to 20/25 vision. As the patient wept with tears of joy on seeing after years of blindness, he and his wife ask for a photo […]
Vision a la Carte: Candies for Vision
VISION a la Carte: Candies from Europe for Dr. Gulani, taking this patient from Blindness to Perfect Vision. One Eyed patient with High Myopia (-15.00D) and High Astigmatism (-5.00D) with Keratoconus, Post traumatic Vitrectomy and Mature Cataract underwent Femto Cat with Toric IOL with LRI and sees 20/25 immediately postop and 20/20- next day. In […]
Dr. Gulani Blasts the concept of “NOT A CANDIDATE”:Channel12 TV
Dr. Gulani explains his futuristic vision as ART of Vision corrective surgery wherein everyone with a normal eye is a candidate for some designed Laser/Lens refractive procedure.Infact, techniques and technologies today can prepare these “Non Candidates” to a platform of candidacy to relieve them of their burden of glasses.
Can’t Speak,Can’t hear & destined to Blindness: Gets GulaniVision
Patient with Very high farsightedness, with astigmatism, nystagmus (shaking eyes), Shaking head(tremors), Hearing impaired and cannot speak (tracheostomy) referred to Dr.Gulani for his impossible case undergoes surgery on his second eye and gains his freedom. Dr.Gulani will be sharing his technique with colleagues at the American Academy conf next month.
Two-stage surgery addresses corneal scarring, refractive errors
Dr. Gulani Focuses on custom designed approaches to complex cases using practical surgical techniques. Read more at
Consistent results, Amazing skills, Powerful demeanor yet soft personal touch: The Unparalleled experience of “Gulani Vision” Patients from all over the world been told that they are not candidates for Lasik surgery due to Keratoconus, Corneal scars, Very High Astigmatism, previous Radial Keratotomy, Presbyopia, Lasik complications and cataract complications seek Dr.Gulani and see 20/20 Once […]
RK,Ectasia,Scar,18RK-4AK: Gulani 5S system in action
Hand Lamellar Technique for Challenging Cases: Gulani Corneoplastique Concepts.
Stem Cell Disorder to 20/20 – Black Hawk Pilot Gets “GulaniVision”
This Pilot was referred by Dr. Scheffer Tseng from Miami following Amniotic surgery for Vision Rehabilitation using Gulani Corneoplastique Principles. In this video, Dr. Gulani uses Scar peel with Excimer Laser and Patient’s unedited reaction are recorded. Dr. Gulani was teaching visiting surgeons that the patient’s perception is the only way to guage true success.
Dr. Gulani in the NEWS: Vision beyond 20/20, the Time is NOW!
Patients from Prague, London, New York, California, Utah, Hong Kong and Alaska fly to Dr. Gulani with 20/20 vision seeking surgery. For over a decade, Dr. Gulani has been encouraging eye surgeons to fight for vision beyond 20/20 in every patient. He often quotes his anecdote “In the near future, a patient will walk into […]
ONE-EYED Corneal scar patient sees in Minutes
ONE-EYED Corneal Scar patient sees immediately while still under the Laser. Gulani Laser Corneoplastique. Visiting surgeon, Dr. Nagendra Shah exclaims a “Wow” in disbelief.