Category: News
REFLECT: LOOK In whIle Locked In-Gulan AC.
REFLECT: LOOK In whIle Locked In-Gulan AC. I just finished teaching surgical webinars for Eye surgeons across the globe all morning to follow with another National webinar where I was interviewed about my feelings during the lockdown of COVID-19. I shared my feelings that though we are locked down and away from our professional passions, […]
Pioneering with Passion!
“Pioneering with Passion! Meeting these two individuals, who are the first ones to ever proceed with an innovated procedure with astounding results, was miraculous. Personally seeing real results, not statistics from a lab, brings pioneering to an art. Being in medical field for 38 years, never have I seen such innovation! The red circles shows […]
RADIAL KERATOTOMY Correction: “Proof in Patients” -shared by TeamGulaniAcademy
“Multifocal IOL + RK = 20/20 over 10 years. Ten years later, I walked into Gulani Vision Institute and as always instant recognition and a welcomed hug by none other than Arun C. Gulani himself. As if giving me 20/20 vision by uniquely using a multifocal implant in my scarred, complex Radial Keratotomy(RK) case is […]
Karen T.: “Not A Candidate” to GulaniVision!
“Technology Unleashed: Commitment Unparallel! I was told by many doctors that I was not a candidate for premium technology. But 4 years ago, Dr. Gulani designed a procedure and raised premium technology to an art. 4 years later, I walk into Gulani Vision Institute and still greeted by Dr. Gulani himself and it’s like coming […]
REAL Results with REAL Passion: GulaniVision #gulanibeyond2020
“Is He for REAL? That’s what I thought when I kept hearing his name Worldwide. I was blown away when he personally greeted me as I traveled from Germany into his lobby. Today is day one, after he worked his Miracle on my eye when every eye surgeon said they will not touch me. What […]
More than “HANDs ON”; Dr.Gulani is “HEARTs ON” #gulanibeyond2020
“He’s Heart’s On! 11 years ago, my husband had LASIK surgery with Dr. Gulani where he corrected me to 20/20. He delivered beyond his expectations where my husband continued to see 20/20 for the past 11 years. So when it came time for Noel’s cataract surgery, we traveled from Lexington, Kentucky as Noel didn’t trust […]
David vs. Goliath!
“David vs Goliath! Dr. Gulani raises the bar on the world of organized eye care, taking patients that other eye surgeons refused that nothing could be done to perfection. Today is Day 1 after Terry’s complex Keratoconus surgery, with irregular astigmatism and complex cataracts and she doesn’t have the words to express how ecstatic she […]
Navy SEAL to GulaniVision!
“Navy SEAL to GulaniVision! As a SEAL, I hold myself to a much higher standard of performance. I was an extreme and impossible case for other eye surgeons. So when seeking out an eye surgeon, I held them to those same standards. Not only did he meet my expectations, he surpassed them. Going from being […]
Sharing Gulani Worldwide Webinar: Cosmetic Pterygium Surgery
8,000 plus Eye surgeons over the last 12 days, touched by Dr. Gulani’s Worldwide Surgical Webinars – posted by TeamGulaniAcademy. Thank you for your overwhelming appreciation. By popular demand,sharing yesterday’s surgical webinar hosted by renowned Aravind Eye Hospital.Rengaraj Venkatesh John Davis #covid19