Category: News
Navy SEAL to GulaniVision!
“Navy SEAL to GulaniVision! As a SEAL, I hold myself to a much higher standard of performance. I was an extreme and impossible case for other eye surgeons. So when seeking out an eye surgeon, I held them to those same standards. Not only did he meet my expectations, he surpassed them. Going from being […]
Sharing Gulani Worldwide Webinar: Cosmetic Pterygium Surgery
8,000 plus Eye surgeons over the last 12 days, touched by Dr. Gulani’s Worldwide Surgical Webinars – posted by TeamGulaniAcademy. Thank you for your overwhelming appreciation. By popular demand,sharing yesterday’s surgical webinar hosted by renowned Aravind Eye Hospital.Rengaraj Venkatesh John Davis #covid19
TRANSPLANTS will be EXTINCT: Herpes Corneal Scar to 20/20. Gulani Laser Corneoplastique
“BLINDING Herpes Corneal Scar to 20/20 Two years post Dr Gulani’s Laser Corneoplastique surgery and doing great!!! Thanks to Dr. Arun C. Gulani of Gulani Vision Institute for Removing my herpetic CORNEAL SCAR. The reason I post about this is because I was told by several top notch eye surgeons that my option was a […]
Fixing RADIAL KERATOTOMY (RK) Complications RK with Ruiz incisions #gulanibeyond2020 #RK #RKcomplications
“Matching my eye surgeon’s Dr Arun C. Gulani colors today as he came up with a plan to fix my botched RK surgery from decades ago. He developed a Laser Corneoplastique technique that’s helped many patients like me. Looking forward to much better vision soon! #allthewayfromNWGeorgia” – Terri S.
SEEing is Believing! #gulanibeyond2020
“Seeing is believing!! From my initial consultation appointment, surgery and post-op. Dr. Arun C. Gulani and his staff were so caring and attentive throughout the entire process. They’ve become like family. This was especially important to my recovery process as I am a person who battles Lupus and I had an astigmatism in both eyes. […]
COVID-19 & Eye Health
It’s my pleasure to share a personal excerpt from my media interview today regarding covid-19 and eye health.
ASTIGMATISM without LIMITS! Patient Reaction is the ONLY Validation of Success, Not Surgical Acrobatics- Gulani AC. Gulani MasterClassWebinar- Posted by TeamGulaniAcademy Physician patient from Idaho with disabling vision following Cataract surgery in Corneal Ectasia post Radial Keratotomy with resultant Hyperopia of +8.00D and Irregular Astigmatism of -12.00D. Vision 20/400- (Distorted)! For Surgeons: 1. Stop and listen to […]
Next Gulani Surgical Webinar on Pterygium Surgery
Monday 13th Apr, 6:30am EST: Gulani Worldwide Webinar: Cosmetic Pterygium Surgery Dear Eye surgeons, we appreciate your ardent requests for Dr.Gulani and are trying our best to make him available to you. Having completed speaking to over 7,000 eye surgeons worldwide in the last 10 days, his next Surgical Webinar is on Monday for around […]
Inez H: “Not A Candidate” to GulaniVision!
“That’s the GULANI Attitude! Taking someone with eyes as complex as mine, by not taking “this can not be corrected” for the end results but instead straight to perfection- AGAIN! AMAZING” – Inez H.
Nancy H.: #gulanibeyond2020
“In Da Vinci’s Chamber, where Miracles Happen! I am gratefully another Miracle! As he designs one Masterpiece after another, for all of us who seek him from all over the World. The Facility, the Passion, the Delivery, the Joy; Dr. Gulani, you have my heartfelt gratitude and blessings to continue to lead the world.” – […]