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Category: News

Frank D.: Journey to GulaniVision!

“Frank’s Journey to 20/20 Vision Frank and I travel forty minutes by car to get to Gulani Vision Institute. Others travel from distant parts of the globe, all with the same hope, that Dr. Gulani will restore our vision as he has done for so many. Some like Frank, had been told surgery probably would […]

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NOT A Candidate: Not Anymore! Beyond LASIK: LaZrPlastique to 2020 #gulanibeyond2020

“The GULANI Difference! To see 20/20 at distance and near without glasses, with Dr. Gulani’s specially designed Laser Corneoplastique when every LASIK surgeon said I was not a candidate is a true Miracle! I was among patients who had traveled from all over the world to have Dr. Gulani’s specially designed Laser techniques. My surgical […]

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Betty Jane W.: #gulanibeyond2020

“He’s Heart’s On! 11 years ago, my husband had LASIK surgery with Dr. Gulani where he corrected me to 20/20. He delivered beyond his expectations where my husband continued to see 20/20 for the past 11 years. So when it came time for Noel’s cataract surgery, we traveled from Lexington, Kentucky as Noel didn’t trust […]

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Thank you Lori for the privilege..

“The HEART of Gulani! I was blind from a White, Mature, Hanging Cataract and could not afford any surgeon. Most surgeon’s I saw did not feel confident about my case and then my inability to afford made me unattractive anyways. I was referred to Dr. Gulani by an eye surgeon who knew he is not […]

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Missing our World Wide patients: Where Patients become Family #gulanivision #covid19

Patients arriving and Leaving with Vision & Experience of a Lifetime! -posted by Melisa@GulaniVision

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KERATOCONUS to 20/20 without glasses and contact lenses. Encouraging eye doctors to perform

KERATOCONUS to 20/20 without glasses and contact lenses. Encouraging eye doctors to perform. Gulani “Think Outside the CONE”: 20 Techniques and Technology options to take Keratoconus straight to Vision! #gulanibeyond2020 Keratoconus People Worldwide National Keratoconus Foundation International Keratoconus Academy “I HAVE KERATOCONUS! But I see 20 /20 without glasses! Thanks to Dr. Gulani’s Futuristic Kertaocouns […]

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Dental Surgeon with GulaniVision: Customized ICL technology can correct Keratoconus with High Nearsightedness and Astigmatism

“Dr.’s Dr. Inspiration beyond vision! I was told I was not a candidate for LASIK due to my extreme case so Dr. Arun C. Gulani specially designed an ICL tailored for me. I can now start my career with fresh new eyes!” – Peter S.

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Is there a limit to the number of Lasik surgeries & complications that can be corrected? The short answer is NO!

Is there a limit to the number of Lasik surgeries & complications that can be corrected? The short answer is NO! Having Corrected Lasik Complications for nearly 3 decades you can see one of these patients who has had multiple Lasik Surgeries followed by PRK and trans epithelial PRK and PTK. Despite all these surgeries, […]

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Pilot Who Was Grounded Now Can Fly With Gulanivision!

“From being GROUNDED after multiple failed LASIK surgeries and cataracts to back in the cockpit with Perfect Vision thanks to Dr. Arun Gulani. When other doctors said nothing could be done Dr. Gulani stepped up to the challenge with his unique patient tailored approach, unlike the cookie cutter approach of other doctors. During my visits […]

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PTERYGIUM Red Eyes to SPARKLING WHITE: #gulanibeyond2020

“Another Gulani Miracle! Here I am next day after Dr. Gulani’s magical Pterygium surgery. As if his artistery on my eyes was not enough. His personal concern and caring was mind blowing. I have never felt more like family with any physician and I never would have believed a staff existed with such passion as […]

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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699