Category: Teaching
Halos, Glare & Night Vision Issues after Cataract Surgery?

At Gulani Vision Institute, patients from across the globe arrive daily with frustrating side effects after their premium cataract surgery — halos, glare, starbursts, and poor night vision. These issues in many cases stem not from the premium lens implants themselves, but from the misalignment between the lens, cornea, and the patient’s unique eye anatomy. […]
Love, Vision, and a Purposeful Journey with Dr. Gulani

This Valentine’s Day, I celebrated with my forever Valentine while en route to the TILII eye conference—where my other passion awaited. My wife, ever the gracious partner, shared me with the world of eyes just as she always has—with love, support, and a knowing smile. From a romantic start to a purposeful journey, the day […]
Unhappy with Your Cataract Surgery Lens? No need to go under the Knife Again.

Unhappy with Your Cataract Surgery Lens? No need to go under the Knife Again. Cataract surgery with premium lens implants like Vivity, PanOptix, Light Adjustable Lens (LAL), Apthera, Symfony, and Synergy promises transformative vision results. Yet, an increasing number of patients across the nation are left disappointed, and abandoned, struggling with complications like blurry vision, […]
Thin Cornea & “Not A Candidate” for LASIK ? Nex-Gen LaZrPlastique can help.

Correcting Thin Corneas with High Astigmatism: New Year, New Vision! Introduction: A Visionary Start to the New Year Thin Cornea and “Not A Candidate” for LASIK are common dilemma of patients who fall for cookie-cutter Lasik practices that offer only one or two techniques, and if they do not fit the patient, the patient is […]
The BEST Lens implant for CATARACT Surgery: Vision Recipe vs. Lens Implant Advertisements

The BEST Lens implant for CATARACT Surgery: Vision Recipe vs. Lens Implant Advertisements In today’s world, advertisements for premium lens implants are everywhere. They promise to deliver crystal-clear vision with cutting-edge technology. Multifocal, toric, and extended depth-of-focus lenses are marketed as revolutionary solutions. But as dazzling as these promises sound, they represent only part of […]
One on One with Dr. Gulani
Patients, eye surgeons, and eye care industry leaders, many of them having undergone Dr. Gulani’s innovative, custom-designed surgical techniques are given full access to sit down with Dr. Gulani and literally review his remarkable thought process and artistic surgical execution that continues to inspire the world of eye care. For over Three decades, worldwide patients […]
The WALK That #motivatedmymonday
Today for the first time in years 🦼 , Kathy walked independently and confidently 💪. A simple task she could not do, not only because of Blinding vision from her own complex eyes 🦇 but mostly from being permanently labeled as “Lost Case” ⛔️. After multiple failed #lasik and retinal surgeries, She was labeled as […]
Walking my Talk!
The struggle is real and the outcomes are addicting. Here I am as worldwide 🌍patients have started landing ✈️ in since yesterday for surgery all week. Despite intensive diagnostics 👁 and technological investigations 👨💻 at my Institute, you see me personally struggling to Refract these patients through dense #cornealscars , multiple #radialkeratotomy cuts, Ectatic #keratoconus […]
Don’t just COVER It; CORRECT It!
As the American Academy of Ophthalmology Conference continues this weekend, here’s another example of a patient who was labeled as “impossible” due to over 34 Diopters of “Irregular” Astigmatism and options of “Covering” 🕳 this “disaster” with a hard contact lens 🦇 or “live with it”. Unleashing technology 🚀and applying it in a custom designed […]
Hangin Out, Not In! #Sunday
How many of you have heard 👂 or been told 🗣 “hang in there”? Sunday ☀️ is a great day to hang out with nature 🌲 and see 👁 the expanse of our cosmos ✨ to not only realize how insignificant we are but also the possibilities to expand our abilities, dreams 🌈 and horizons […]