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Fighting to Finish the Impossible!

“He Fights to Finish the Impossible!
Today is Day 1 after my impossible cataract surgery following my multiple corneal surgeries and problems that every eye surgeon said that could not be done. Dr. Gulani not only offered hope but performed the miracle and brought me to this amazing vision. He performs miracles in his new surgical suite while encouraging other eye surgeons to learn not only his skills but his unshakable attitude of surpassing human abilities to lead us to such vision miracles. I remember the first time I met Dr. Gulani and within 5 minutes, he said “I can help you.” Those four words gave me HOPE as I was told that a corneal transplant was my only definitive option. I cannot thank him enough for fighting for my vision.” – Dorothy T.

Dorothy T. smiling in the surgical suite, celebrating restored vision and renewed hope after her life-changing procedure with Dr. Gulani.

Close-up of Dorothy T.’s eye showing clear corneal surface one day after complex cataract surgery at Gulani Vision Institute.

Dorothy T. with Dr. Gulani on Day 1 post-op, celebrating her vision breakthrough after being told nothing could be done.

Dr. Gulani consulting with Dorothy T., reviewing her case history of multiple corneal surgeries and her successful surgical outcome.

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Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699