Dr. Gulani: Man of Vision

Dr. Gulani is a world destination for patients and surgeons seeking the best in vision care. “Man of Vision” is a title bestowed upon him for not only his pursuit to deliver vision beyond 20/20 but also his unflinching leadership in leading the eye care industry worldwide towards designing the future of vision.

Dr. Gulani has traveled all over the world as an invited teacher and has also learned from the very pioneers of the surgeries that he performs today. He provides a full spectrum of surgical options, custom-designed to each patient’s eye to reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

He not only provides hope, but fights for each patient’s vision to his best ability as is noted by both patients, who seek him from all over the globe, and even renowned eye surgeons from all over the country and world whom regularly refer their complications to Dr. Gulani with full confidence that he has the track record, surgical skills and integrity in only doing what is right for the patient in not only salvaging their complications but in most cases bringing their vision to 20/20.
Over three decades, as a Master surgeon, Dr. Gulani has developed a systematic approach with unlimited technology and techniques; KLEAR™ which includes all forms of surgeries including Corneal (Kerato), Lens Implants/Cataract/ICL (Lenticulo) and, Lasik/PRK/LenZoPlastique/Intacs/CXL (Refractive) while unleashing a wide array of cutting edge technologies (Extended Armamentarium).

The Gulani KLEAR™ and GPS™ protocols have successfully addressed not only normal candidates but those with complex and Botched surgeries in many cases to 20/20 vision outcomes.

This website offers a glimpse into the dedicated journey of this physician’s pursuit of enhanced vision. Here, you will find information on his widespread contributions to the field of ophthalmology including his inventions, research, awards, publications, and protocols named after him, complimented by an unparalleled compassion, empathy and personalized care for his global patient clientele.