For the Patients
“For the Patients” – our patient’s, Attorney John, statement underscores Dr. Gulani’s commitment, dedication, and performance in the patient’s best interest.

No financial incentive, industry hype, or personal bias can influence his decision making, technology selection, or surgical technique in designing his unique vision architect plan (miVision plan) for each patient’s best vision potential.
Patients are indeed family to Dr. Gulani as he fondly remembers their names and even responds to requests from their families if not to help them directly with vision surgery, then indirectly, by guiding them to medical care in their states or countries worldwide.

Many a times we have witnessed Dr. Gulani not only taking on patients that other eye surgeons have given up on but also disrupting his personal schedule if needed to accommodate someone with a genuine situation that may be beyond their control.

Twinning with ICLs:

Two physician twins underwent custom-tailored ICL surgery for their extreme nearsightedness and astigmatism. What was funny in this story was that when Dr. Gulani had completed correcting the vision in both eyes of the first brother, the twin brother traveled to him wearing his thick glasses and surprised Dr. Gulani by saying, “Your surgery failed I am still wearing glasses!” He then laughed and then admitted that he was the twin brother that Dr. Gulani was yet to operate on.
Solar Eclipse:
Dr. Gulani was called upon to educate patients about the solar eclipse.