Gulani; The Legend
“Someone very famous and admired, usually because of their ability in a particular area”- Cambridge Dictionary. This definition needs to be upgraded to include Dr. Gulani as his abilities transcends a “particular area” to “Multiple” areas where he is famous and admired.


To be admired by peers who are among the world’s finest eye surgeons themselves not only for his surgical supremacy but also as their “Go-To” specialist for second opinions, surgical planning guidance, technology guru and final resort to fix their complications is in itself commendable.
Then you observe this level of earned respect at all strata of eye care professions including eye surgeons, optometrists, opticians and ancillary eye care providers and technicians to see how seamlessly Dr. Gulani relates to and helps create a symbiotic advance globally.
Add to this, his time-tested leadership for the eye care industry and their admiration for his innovations and future directions worldwide and you can see the bar that Dr. Gulani has set not only for others but more importantly, for himself.
The very business model of our institute stands on Dr. Gulani’s “No-Nonsense”, “No-Deals” , “No-Hype” platform to provide an example for the world of medicine where stellar surgical outcomes are only paralleled by his personalized compassion.

Always among first in the world to introduce cutting edge technology and design breakthrough techniques with award winning innovations, Dr. Gulani has been leading the world of vision for over three decades with a solid foundation based on patient-centric care.
While many surgeons advertise being “First” in their “zip codes” (Not World, Country, State and Local in that order of decreasing importance) to lure patients, Dr. Gulani’s very status of first in the world in most cases along with unparalleled experience in duration and quality, supersedes this comparison.
With privileges worldwide, Dr.Gulani is not only experienced but also aware of new technologies in the research pipeline and on the horizon and in many cases has used and tested it before FDA approval in the USA thus giving him an advantage over eye surgeons in the US not only to lead in his practice but also being able to offer what is the latest and best for his patients without a camouflage of hyped advertising or false hopes.

Many examples here of relevance are his work on LASIK, ICL, Pterygium, Cataract implants, Color doppler and Corneoplastique scar corrective surgery where he was among first in the world involved in international trials and also served formally on the US FDA ANSI (American National Standards for Instrumentation) committees and research journal committees to also ensure an honest and well-studied release of new procedures and technologies so fellow eye surgeons globally could safely offer these to their patients.
With an enviable track record of “Zero” rate of enhancement (Touch-ups/Re-dos) to his surgeries and thousands of ecstatic patients worldwide, Dr.Gulani has re-defined “Experience” in not only the length of time that he has produced these tremendous results but also how he has built relations with his patients for life.

“He is a combination of DaVinci and Michelangelo! – Joe, Spain
This observation from one among many of our patients sums up Dr.Gulani’s performance since not only does he envision and design the future of eye care, but can actually execute it in surgery to fruition with his enviable skills.
With a track record of success unparalleled to date for patients ranging from normal to complex and even those that many an able eye surgeon call ”Impossible”, Dr.Gulani continues to deliver vision with a dedicated passion by custom designing surgery to each patient individually.
As a master of technology having himself invented award-winning diagnostic and surgical instruments along with his artistic surgical skills and pulse on the future of eye care, Dr. Gulani’s delivery of surgical outcomes underscore his superlative performance tested over time.

Selflessly, he continues to share his work and concepts along with innovative ideas with fellow eye surgeons and the eye care industry globally in his unflinching quest to help people see.
Despite such a stature and reputation, Dr.Gulani continues to hold himself accountable at the highest level by recording his patients since he believes that a white paper may publish statistics that can be manipulated, but a patient on camera will not lie. This is reflected in pictures and videos of thousands of our patients on our website and social media sharing their stories.
Thus he verbalizes his gratitude for his patients’ trust and yet provides no incentive to them to ensure that his work and record is never tarnished by favoritism or favors setting an example of integrity rarely found in the world of medicine today.
Legend indeed at all levels; predicting, creating and inspiring the world of Vision!