No Room for Waiting!
What do you envision when going to your doctor’s office? Sure, a “Waiting” room full of “Waiting” patients, huddled together with borderline respect for privacy or consideration of being attended to on time. Then your name is called out and you start your journey entering a maze of alleys and dark rooms to then see the doctor (most usually running late) for a brief duration to get confused enough and again be handed back to someone else incentivized to sell and then begins your surgery journey; hurtled on a conveyer belt with other patients, lined up in a “surgery mill”, wheeled in on stretchers by unknown faces and wheeled out to recover and then face a postoperative experience again on a similar roller coaster of “Wait” and “Huddle”.
Having disrupted this expected mediocrity, Gulani Vision Institute prides itself in having raised the bar for over 3 decades in treating each patient like a family member, an individual, who are scheduled to arrive (from all over the world) one at a time. We do not have a “Waiting” room, we have a 7 Star Lobby whose décor and ambience reflects on our doctor’s taste and personalized design with a desire to make his patients (all of whom become part of our Gulani Family) to feel at home.
Patients travel to us from all over the world and expect to land in a crowded “Waiting” room to then wait for hours and maybe get to see this “world renowned” Dr.Gulani for barely a minute or so. They are instead surprised to arrive and notice that they are perhaps the only patient in our lobby (such is our scheduling), not only that, but our very competent and compassionate staff (Gulani Angels) already knows them by name and invitingly awaiting to take them in on time. Then they are further stunned to see Dr. Gulani walking out to the lobby to personally greet them and their accompanying family. If they are still digesting his ensemble (read Fashionista; GulaniFashions) for the day, he extends a firm handshake; one that signifies his commitment to perform for them.
Their premonitions of imagining the world’s most sought after and greatest eye surgeons to be possibly cold, arrogant, unavailable, and dismissive is pleasantly destroyed as he warmly asks about their travels and welcomes them in himself.
From here they continue to be surprised as Dr. Gulani spends hours with each one of them with a full focus on understanding their vision problems or their surgeon’s complications while empathizing with their situation and complexities by personally measuring and evaluating their eyes and reviewing the advanced diagnostics to illustrate for the patients and their accompanying families what exactly is wrong with their vision and what custom-designed procedure and technology he shall apply to tailor his surgery for their safest and best outcomes.
The journey form here for their custom-tailored surgery is even more enthralling and personalized with one patient arriving at a time at our World’s First Surgery SPA where again, Dr. Gulani himself receives them in the preoperative room and reviews any concerns or questions and walks them into the surgery suite (note; no Stretchers). Our Gulani Angles receive you with their familiar faces and make you comfortable. With no injections, pain, needles or stitches and amongst pleasant music in a calm, serene ambience where even the colors of the lighting, surgical scrubs and instruments are matching, patients undergo their innovatively designed surgery and walk out with their Dr. Gulani to rejoice with their families.

Patients feel they are the only ones in our institute and sometimes ask out of bewilderment due to past harrowing experiences in previous eye surgeon offices and we smile. As they get comfortable to this new norm of the world of GulaniVision and enjoy all the care and attention, they are very pleasantly surprised on a Friday to see nearly 20 patients from all over the world who all had surgery in the same week as them. They cannot believe these patients had also arrived and felt like they were the only ones and each had Dr. Gulani’s undivided attention for hours during preoperative evaluations and surgery and yet, here they were on Friday, before everyone flies back home, collecting together in the front lobby for a photograph in a Gulani Huddle (A different kind of huddle). Patients who are surgeons, attorneys, celebrities, and simple folks having traveled from far and wide and yet hugging each other with a common bond of “GulaniVision”.
This pleasant experience continues into the postoperative care where Dr. Gulani is personally involved in your care at all levels with our strict, on-time scheduling, detailed evaluations and dedicated follow up as these patients come back and refer their families and friends to the only eye surgeon they can trust in performance and caring. Barring any untoward incident or patient situation, this kind of care and performance has been, and continues to be our focus.
In fact in recent COVID-19 times, while most medical practices had to be completely reshaped from scheduling to every day functions, our practice did not require much changes since we were already seeing one patient at a time (automatically socially-distanced) within a clean and personalized environment at a comfortable pace. All we had to add to this was a strict disinfection and cleaning hygiene with full staff vaccination and achieving all levels of compliance for the mandated prevention of COVID-19 spread.
Testimony to our efforts is the fact that during this COVID-19 pandemic times, patients traveled to us from all over the world (following all precautions of vaccination, quarantine and testing) and successfully underwent Dr. Gulani’s innovative surgical techniques to regain their vision and safely fly back home.
It is our dedicated resolve to continue to strive for our patients and repay their trust in us with our performance and compassion so our doctor can pursue his passion to deliver vision for each one of you.
Welcome to The World of GulaniVision!
Diagnosed with Ketatoconus 3 years ago, told there was only 3 treatment options available(scleral lenses,corneal cross…
Posted by Christopher Fox on Friday, August 27, 2021