David H.
I was legally blind since grade school and went through life with thick glasses or contacts. Highly myopic very nearsightedness (20/200). I could function with my crutches, but was never really vision independent.
When my cataracts got really bad, I went to a highly – trained ophthalmologist. He did not want to work with me – even suggesting not replacing the lens with a new one- A friend recommended to see Dr Gulani saying “Surgeons seek Dr.Gulani for their own surgery and he can do what many eye surgeons can’t even dream to achieve”.
Dr. Gulani spent many hours developing a unique plan and program for cataract surgery combined with Advanced Laser surgery. I can see without assistance at all distances.
He also explained his plan to my wife who is a surgical nurse.
I value Dr. Gulani’s interest in me. He did a unique service by allowing me to see without my eye crutches.
I wish I had seen Dr Gulani years ago. I think he has performed a MIRACLE.
He is adept, very skilled, and makes a patients feel valued and important to him.
I shall recommend everyone to travel to him
David H
Orange Park, Florida