Marge D.

I am an artist and recreational athlete. So my vision is very important to me. The vision in my right eye was 20/200 and couldn’t not be corrected with glasses because of radial keratotomy.
I heard about Dr.Gulani from a doctor at Lang eye. He said Dr.Gulani was getting good results with patients like me.
My experience was very friendly and caring. Dr. Gulani offered hope when other doctors offered me none.
I think he is courageous to be innovative in the area of Rk patients. I can see and will be forever grateful.
I am very happy with the outcome of my surgery and am excited to be able to paint and play softball in my spare time.
Without Dr.Gulani bravery drive+ willingness to take the risks to pioneer ground breaking procedures for RK patients. We would have no hope and nowhere to go.
I would highly recommend Dr.Gulani to others.
DuBuc Marge
The Villages, FL