Mark B.

I had contact prescriptions which were -4.75 L and -5.5 R. The biggest impact was the inconvenience of having to constantly put in and take out the lenses. They’re like carrying a ball and chain. Ceiling fans irritated the eyes. Swimming would have to be done with eyes closed. The annual expense of lenses and solution was a burden.
Dr. Gulani is very confident about his work. This instills confidence in his patients. He is years ahead of his peers.
He performed my Advanced Laser ASA surgery. I see distance and near without any glasses now.
I still get confused morning and night. After 22 years of wearing contact lenses, I still have the urge to remove them before I go to bed then realize I am not wearing lenses.
I think Dr. Gulani does a fantastic job of getting to know his patients and providing them with the correct vision to fit their lifestyle.