Martha M.

My vision was deteriorating rapidly, so much so that the next step would be that I declared legally blind. I could not drive to places that I did not know extremely well, as I could not read road signs and I could only read printed material printed in large print.
I had been treated at another facility and was extremely unhappy with the results of my treatment so I went to my eye doctor for a second opinion as to my previous treatment. My eye doctor recommended that I come to Dr. Gulani, saying that if Dr. Gulani could not help me I could not be helped.
I have never before gone to a Doctor and felt so at home and at ease. I cannot give enough praise to the entire clinic and staff of Gulani Vision Institute.
As with the above statement, I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Gulani. He is the only Doctor that I have ever in my entire life gone to and had the Doctor spend as much time as Dr. Gulani has explaining to me (in language that I can understand) what was going on and how it should be treated and also how much time Dr. Gulani spend deciding on just the right treatment.
He corrected my LASIK surgery from my previous surgeon with his Laser Vision technique.
I have had clear glass put in the right side of my glasses which is amazing and I can see better than I could previously with prescription lenses in both sides of my glasses.
Dr. Gulani’s skills and manners are Superb!
Martha M.
Jacksonville, FL