Nurse Sophie C.

My vision was virtually legal blindness; nearsighted severely. I am so happy that I can see 20/20 near and far after the procedure. I felt vulnerable when I removed my glasses before the procedure because I could not see.
Being in the medical field, I heard from other eye surgeons that Dr.Gulani “fixes other surgeon’s screw-ups”
Our experience at GVI has been FANTASTIC! Never thought this was possible (being able to see without glasses). Friendly atmosphere
I feel that Dr. Gulani is so very enthusiastic about what he does. There is a passion when he is speaking with his patient. Most importantly that passion matches his competence.
I see 20/20 at distance and near. I will feel confident about watching my children around a pool. As a person who almost drowned as a child, before if my child was drowning, I would not be able to see to save him/her. That scared me.
Dr. Gulani I feel is Passionate, COMPETENT, friendly, and willing to share his knowledge and skill level. His treatment is tailored to you and your eyes’ needs. He does not try to fit you into a box and hope for the best.
Absolutely will refer all my colleagues, and have done so already.
I was told with my complicated vision problems (astigmatism, severe near sightedness, thin corneas) I was “Not a candidate” for correction. Guess what- those doctors were wrong.
Two eye doctors who saw me both (in different locations) recommended Dr. Gulani and I am happy they did.
Nurse Sophie C.
University of Florida