Officer Celia E. (McClenny, FL)

My vision was poor because o my very high astigmatism
All Lasik surgeons I looked for said I was “Not a candidate” due to my thin corneas and very high astigmatism
For years I have tried to get lasik and every doctor I went to said I would wear glasses all of my life.
I saw a news Segment on TV news4jax. I heard the story about a man from Canada that Dr.Gulani helped. So I started researching and made an appointment.
My experience at GVI has been Very good would not trade for nothing. All staff too is very kind +considerate.
Dr. Gulani is a good caring Man who wants everyone to have perfect vision. He was able to perform Laser ASA and I See 20/20 at distance and near and without any glasses
He is so Very different , Every Lasik surgeon should get familiar with the techniques Dr. Gulani is using
I am referring all of my officer friends
Officer Celia E.
McClenny, Florida