Pilot Samuel H.

Prior to surgery my uncorrected vision was something in the ball park of 20/150 with very bad astigmatism and poor low light visual acuity. As an aviator it was a severe impact on my life and profession.
My fiancé did the research and leg work and all the info and routes led to the Gulani Vision Institute.
My experience has been great, Dr. Gulani has delivered on all the promises. My near and far vision are all 20/20 and set to improve further as the healing process my night vision has improved as well.
Dr. Gulani is a modern day miracle worker, and you get what you pay for.
My vision is better and my life is easier, tasks I once struggled with are now easily accomplished.
He is Top notch, I could not be happier.
Hands down…..YES!I am referring all my pilot colleagues with demanding vision requirements to Dr.Gulani
Pilot Samuel H.
Jacksonville, FL