Rick E.

My name is Richard Esser. I am a 58-year-old male and reside in a suburb north of Chicago, Illinois. I had deterioration of my conjunctiva resulting in a condition called conjunctivochalsis, a swelling of the conjuctiva, with symptoms of blurred and stinging vision and very bad conjuctival burning.
After numerous treatments for my Conjunctivochalasis at the hands of top doctors in Chicago, through research over the Internet and a suggestion from one of the top eye surgeons in Chicago, I flew from to Jacksonville, Florida and was examined by Dr. Arun Gulani. Dr. Gulani identified the pathology.
He performed a two-quadrant chalasis repair with an amniotic membrane graft. The amniotic membrane transplant is like putting down a started fertilizer on your lawn; the skin that grows over the transplanted membrane is very strong. Immediately coming out of surgery I noticed that I had less burning in my eye and quality of vision was better. I would estimate that the Dr. Gulani’s chalasis surgery resulted in approximately a 70% improvement in my symptmology. The eye feels quite comfortable, does not require artificial tears, and the vision is also more stable. My conjuctiva remains somewhat pinkish red but I have escaped the terrible eye pain I was in and my quality of vision is markedly improved.
Even two years after my corneoplastique surgery, Dr. Gulani’s office continues to monitor my progress. I only wish I lived closer to Florida because I saw all the top Ophthalmologist in greater Chicago Metropolitan area and none had the surgical skill he has.
Richard E.
Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL