Ron C.

I depended on tri-focal lenses to see near, intermediate, or distance.
Cataracts were causing my vision even with corrective lenses to become blurred and foggy especially.
My experience at GVI has been a pleasure from the very start.
Dr. Gulani is one of the most personable people I have ever met. He makes you feel special every time you meet.
I had cataract surgery with the new generation ReStor IOL. I am now free from the glasses I depended on. I’m seeing things I couldn’t see before. Not only can I now see without corrective lenses but the colors are much brighter.
Dr. Gulani is absolutely the best in his field during the surgery, before and after the surgery.
I can add that he is not only the best but far beyond. As he prepared me for the surgery he left the final decision up to me. Everything he said was true in that it was quick, easy, and painless. I can’t thank him enough.
Ron (Malcom) C.
Jacksonville, Florida