Past, Present, and Future of LASIK: GulaniVision
Birth of LASIK; Decades Ago!
It has been Dr. Gulani’s privilege to share and interact with the late Dr. Jose Ignacio Barraquer (father of refractive surgery) from South America as their passions were aligned, while Dr. Barraquer introduced concepts of Lamellar Refractive and Lasik surgery and Dr. Gulani discussed his burning desire to raise it to CorneoplastiqueTM so everybody with glasses would be a candidate and the cornea would never need to be stitched or transplanted.

Despite a language barrier, Dr. Barraquer would convey to Dr. Gulani the difficulty he would face in causing such a progressive change in the mindset of eye surgeons.
Here is a picture Dr. Barraquer sent Dr. Gulani with his personal auto graph affectionately 24 years ago and his surgical footage (notice the Silk gloves).
Over decades, Dr. Gulani has continued to evolve Lasik surgery with his NexGEN LASIK technique with No Cuts, No Blades and No Flaps, attracting a Worldwide following since it can help practically every patient with glasses and contact lens to lead a life of Vision Freedom.

Dr. Nordan and Dr. Gulani:

Late Dr. Nordan had learned keratomilieusis (one of the earlier iterations that lead to LASIK surgery) while Dr. Gulani was individually sharing his concepts of CorneoplastiqueTM globally. Dr. Gulani met Late Dr. Nordan in the early 2000s with their mutual passion for refractive surgery and they would meet regularly while teaching at podiums worldwide.
In the span of his career, Dr. Nordan was a pioneer in refractive surgery, held five U.S. patents, one of them being a multifocal IOL, and authored The Surgical Rehabilitation of Vision, a commonly referred to textbook on refractive surgery. At the end of his career, he was a practice consultant at North County Laser Eye Associates in Carlsbad, CA and there was prestigious award named after him, Lee Nordan Achievement Award from Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today.
Dr. Gulani remembers what an honor it was for Late Dr. Nordan to travel to Florida to visit his operating room to see the birth of CorneoplastiqueTM, a unique type of vision corrective surgery, more than two decades ago. Dr. Gulani is working on a book about the procedure, which he plans to dedicate to Dr. Nordan.
Dr. Gulani’s Contributions to the Future of LASIK Surgery

For over three decades, Dr. Gulani has innovated technology, techniques, and laser protocols to raise the bar on LASIK surgery, not only in performance but also in patient safety and outcomes passionately striving for vision beyond 20/20. Having raised LASIK surgery to his proprietary next generation LASIK technique (No-Cut, No-Blade LaZrplastiqueTM) with his solid foundation of the past of LASIK surgery, and enviable track record of success in the present and unshakeable vision of the future Dr. Gulani is able to help patients with not only simple nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism but also those to be “Not a Candidate” or extreme glasses prescriptions while also being a world resource for LASIK surgeons for second opinions and complication correction. Not only has Dr. Gulani acquired a following of a worldwide patient clientele but also an unparalleled standing as an instructor and author to LASIK surgeons and key opinion leader to the LASIK industry globally.

With strict integrity and genuine passion, Dr. Gulani advocates for patients in helping them understand the importance doing their research to pick the right surgeon for their LASIK vision surgery so they don’t get misled by LASIK advertising and financial deals and become victims of side-effects and complications.
Top 5 Confessions of LASIK Complication Patients
Top 5 Confessions of Lasik Complication Patients as they fly to Gulani Vision Institute seeking correction. These patients come to us from all over the world and cultures over Decades and yet share these similar 5 Top regrets.
- They wish they had realized how precious their eyes are and that surgery is a serious decision.
- They wish they knew that LASIK was just one among 20 Laser Techniques among 40 Vision Corrective Surgeries that could have been designed to their individual eyes instead of settling for cookie-cutter surgery.
- They wish they had researched the surgeon and directly questioned them before surgery.
- They wish they had looked through the smokescreen of false advertising and financial deals and discounts.
- They wish they knew once they had a complication that they did not have to Live with it. It can be Corrected.
Please realize how precious your eyes are before you entrust them to just anybody.
Fixing TOP 5 LASIK COMPLICATIONS for World Wide Patients in a Day:
#flybackfriday As usual at our Institute and Dr. Gulani shares his day fixing all severities of Lasik Complications of these worldwide patients before they flew back home today. Unleashing 18 innovative LASIK repair techniques with cutting edge Technology in reversing mild to Extremely severe Lasik Complications straight to Vision. See immediate patient reactions and results of Patients labeled as “Nightmares” and “Impossibles”.
Top 5:
- Patients despite lasik who are still needing glasses or contact lenses
- Side effects of halos around lights and glare at night, Irregular Astigmatism or epithelial in-growth.
- Patients who despite lasik are still wearing reading glasses
- Lasik Ectasia; a severe Complication where the surgery went too deep and the cornea becomes very weak and starts bulging with poor vision.
- Extreme , blinding lasik complications with scarring. LASIK is a positively Life-changing surgery.
Do your research before entrusting your precious eyes.
For more information:
Top 5 Things for Patients to Research before Lasik Surgery
“Investigate BEFORE you Entrust”
- Make sure your surgeon can perform more than one LASIK surgery. There are over 20 different laser vision techniques.
- Make sure you meet your surgeon and make sure the surgery is designed to your eyes and ask about before and after care.
- Make sure for every statement you hear and advertisement – you ask for proof.
- Don’t think you have to settle for a LASIK surgeon down your street. You can travel seeking the best in the world.
- If despite all your diligence you still have a side-effect or complication from LASIK surgery remember – you can be helped!
Do not fall for deals, discounts, advertisement or weekend conveniences. Vision is Priceless; take the time to make one of the most important decisions in your life.