PRK Variants: ASA, SBK (Sub-Bowman Keratomileusis), TEPRK
There are many varieties of PRK surgery used to correct vision problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism.
After going through your detailed evaluation and personal consultation with Dr. Gulani he will decide which technique or combination of techniques would be best suited to correct your vision.

ASA: Advanced Surface Ablation:
PRK underwent refinement over time to become a much more predictable and comfortable procedure for the patient. ASA includes a smoother laser profile to include a blend zone along with Dr.Gulani’s proprietary applications over years of refinement to deliver vision to normal and abnormal eyes.
Trans-Epithelial PRK:
Most commonly PRK techniques involve removal of the topmost layer of cornea (Epithelium) and that is done mechanically or with chemicals including alcohol. In Trans-Epithelial approach, the Laser acts through without need for epithelial removal.
Dr.Gulani with his extensive experience does not agree with this concept since he has proven over time that the epithelium actually helps normalize the corneal surface and hence should be allowed to come back after laser treatment. He teaches this concept using Epithelial Mapping technology worldwide.
Blend PRK:
Various combinations of epithelial removal along with laser ablation profile modifications can be applied to individual cases in not only addressing the refractive error but also allowing for surface regularization.
For over three decades as a pioneer of laser vision surgery Dr. Gulani has experienced every technique and technology often beyond other eye surgeons with his international privilege. His signature style of going beyond “cookie-cutter” underscores his art to best fit your unique eyes but also to develop the best vision he can no matter how simple or complex your case. Dedicatedly continuing to evolve his techniques given his passion to make people see, Dr. Gulani has raised PRK surgery to a non-cutting, flapless technique called LaZrPlastiqueTM.