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Andrew C.: #gulanibeyond2020

“If I could speak directly to the world of eye surgeons I would say “ come to Dr. Gulani’s office and literally see what is possible for your patients, make the pilgrimage and learn the very latest techniques from this extremely passionate surgeon and educator, every one of your patients would reap great rewards from your time spent with Dr. Gulani. I would also explain to other surgeons as best I could that when your a patient of Dr. Gulani’s you receive the complete focus of his attention. You experience what it’s like to have a doctor who is always willing to answer your questions, in fact he encourages them. In my particular case there was a challenge that arose between my insurance company and the surgical center Dr. Gulani became personally involved and fought to get my surgery approved. Being a patient of Dr. Gulani’s is an enlightening experience, you feel so cared for because you know he is personally seeing to every aspect of your care.

Pre-op and post-op he captures all the very latest in imaging and then takes the time to talk to you about what he sees and believe me it feels really good when he calls you after the surgery and personally checks to see how your doing. Who does this? Well, he does, he does this and so much more and it is this great personal attention which makes Dr. Gulani so very special. This kind of care, in my opinion, is a perfect model for all doctors to follow. So one last thing I would say to the world of surgeons truly care about your patients I assure you they’ll notice the difference.”

– Andrew C.

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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699