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Dr. Gulani and the Saghir brothers In the News

Until the last week of February, Tareq Saghir was legally blind.

The 36-year-old father of two, who works as a staff internist at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, couldn’t read the large E on the eye chart without Coke bottle-thick glasses that were specially made for him in Germany. When he woke in the morning, his wife and children were just a blur to him until he put on those glasses.

He shared the dilemma with his twin brother, Taher Saghir, who also works as an internist at Sacred Heart Hospital. Both suffered from extreme cases of keratoconus, a condition that causes the cornea to thin and become more conical in shape rather than the more normal gradual curve.

Because their corneas are extremely thin, the Saghir brothers, who were born in Jordan but have lived in the U.S. since 1997, were not candidates for Lasik eye surgery, which has become a standard treatment for nearsightedness.

Taher Saghir did some research on the Internet and found a possible solution for the brothers. He found that Jacksonville ophthalmologist Arun Gulani of the Gulani Vision Institute regularly performs a procedure in which he implants a lens in the eye underneath the cornea, correcting even extreme near-sightedness.

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