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Frank D.: Journey to GulaniVision!

“Frank’s Journey to 20/20 Vision

Frank and I travel forty minutes by car to get to Gulani Vision Institute. Others travel from distant parts of the globe, all with the same hope, that Dr. Gulani will restore our vision as he has done for so many. Some like Frank, had been told surgery probably would not improve their vision or had been disappointed with the outcome of a surgery. Dr. Gulani had been able to correct my vision, so it was natural that Frank would turn to him for help.

I would not have believed I would be able to see so well and now Frank can experience the clarity of 20/20 vision. It is truly life changing.

Dr. Gulani views each patient as someone who should expect the best vision. His passion is to design a plan to meet that expectation, no matter your age or needing to correct a problem left unresolved for a very long time or having been told by other doctors that nothing more can be done. Dr. Gulani works with a dedication which is a joy to behold and those of us who have been lucky enough to have been his patients are grateful.

I say again, “seeing is believing………literally!”

– Josephine D.

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Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699