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In the LION’s Cage: Correcting RK (Radial Keratotomy) – For Eye Surgeons Only!

Visiting eye surgeons at our institute in state of awe after seeing Dr.Gulani’s surgery and outcomes. “He is truly the daVinci of eye surgery. Mind blowing!” At their request, we have compiled Dr.Gulani’s work on post Radial-Keratotomy Cataract surgery. Dr.Gulani came in on weekend to do voice over Ad-verbatim on video. Being published next month as “In the LION’s cage” article in Ophthalmology Times.

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Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699