Never Surrender
“Courage- the ability to confront fear, pain, uncertainty, or intimidation.”
How do you define courage? Is it defined by our acts, or our thoughts? Many men and women of the American armed forces define courage as their ability to face fear, danger, and adversity. 11 years ago on September 11th 2001, these soldiers were tested as was our great nation; but together we stood as one and honor freedom with a stand against fear. Here at GVI before, and ever since that grave day we have shown great honor to those men and women who fight day and night for our freedoms. In doing this for our country, our patients have chosen to honor Dr.Gulani’s courage.
Army pilot Captain Mike Stanski was one of these soldiers. Mike came in to GVI with the desire to be all he could be as a pilot, but was very much burdened with poor vision. With such an important job and with high responsibilities vision was very much important to Mike. Being a military man, information about every detail of the procedure was important to the Army pilot, and Dr. Gulani obliged. After a thorough exam and personal discussion with Dr. Gulani, Mike was ready to take on this mission and there was no better co-pilot.
After taking in all of the variables, Dr. Gulani made sure his plan was rock solid. First, considering Mike is a pilot his night vision was definitely important. This was teamed with a Astigmatism, which had been distorting Mike’s vision even before the Army. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. Hiding in plain sight was the underlying factor of a thin cornea. This would create a challenge for Dr. Gulani, but never daunt his courage. While most surgeons from all around the globe would have told Mike it was not possible, Dr. Gulani chose to never surrender.
Dr. Gulani performed Advanced Laser ASA surgery on both of Mike’s eyes, and with this technique the mission was accomplished. As for the Army pilot, seeing better than 20/20 was just the beginning for him. “Dr. Gulani did what no one else would, he is AWESOME!”
As the doors of GVI were opening, a package was received from overseas from Captain Mike. Encased was a certificate branded by the Army pilot’s company, and an American Flag flown in Dr. Gulani’s honor. “I am absolutely speechless, and I am truly honored” says Dr. Gulani as he opens the flag to display to his staff. With his knowledge, loyalty, and Personal Courage Dr. Gulani fought to change Captain Mike’s life. There is nothing more important here at GVI than our Integrity, and to Honor a soldiers Selfless Service that allows him to perform his Duty without delay. Respecting these principles, this is how we define courage. Going beyond the lines of duty, beyond 20/20, beyond vision.