Category: News
Tampa to GulaniVision: Cataract Surgery
“After consulting with a local ophthalmologist in Tampa I was given a low prognosis for my former RK and Cataracts surgery. Being a lawyer, I researched and located a renounded ophthalmologist in Beverly Hills, California. Early on a Saturday morning I emailed the California doctor who recommended Dr. Gulani for my Cataract Surgery. He also […]
Blinding Corneal Scar to 20/20
“Blinding corneal scar to 20/20!! 8 years later I am still seeing 20/20 and gets to see Dr. Arun Gulani himself not his assistant. Thank you so much Doctor!” – Joan R.
“The Fighter! Arun C Gulani is a fighter for your vision and how? He took my complicated Cataracts that all eye surgeon’s told me could result in blindness straight to 20/20. With skills, passion, and dedication, he fought for my vision and delivered perfection confirming his reputation that I had heard about before traveling to […]
Inspirational Experience!
“I found it inspirational! As a student meeting with Dr. Gulani I really enjoyed learning from him about the actual process of his surgeries and the actual surgery went smoothly. I ended up loving the Gulani Vision Experience even more” – Arjun T.
An Artist for Eyes
“An ARTIST for your Eyes! “I had my complex pterygium surgery corrected by Dr.Gulani 7 years ago with his unique “No-Stitch” technique and still have sparkling white eyes with no recurrence. Even 7 years later when I walked into the institute, he recognized me and saw me personally. Even though Dr. Gulani is extremely busy, […]
Perfection with Passion: GulaniVision
“My aunt hazel had surgery done by Dr gulani he is the best she was losing her sight it is coming back. You need a doctor like this someone who wii go the mile for you and not give up like some doctor do. They come in from around the world for his expertise’s. Thank […]
Dr. Arun C Gulani’s New Textbook for Eye Surgeons: Worldwide Release
Dr. Arun C Gulani’s New Textbook for Eye Surgeons: Worldwide Release | The Art of Pterygium Surgery: Mastering Techniques and Optimizing Results Click to Purchase
RED Eyes Gone: Proven Gulani Pterygium Technique
“Red Eyes to SPARKLE! The GULANI WAY This is day 1 after my pterygium surgery and I already have sparkling eyes” – Loanna R.
Beyond Lasik: Gulani LaZrPlastique
“I wasn’t a Lasik candidate but Dr. Arun C. Gulani said he can fix my eyes! My grandmother told me he was the best, he has done her eyes too. Before this surgrey I could hardly see, I’m a paddle boarding coach and would constantly worry about losing my glasses and not being able to […]
GulaniVision Family: Jill G.
“Walks the Talk! After a year of Dr. Gulani fixing my surgeon’s mistake and my husband’s surgeon’s complication too, he continues to teach these techniques and while our own surgeons might have forgotten is, Dr. Gulani personally cares for us. With thousands of eye surgeons seeking his time after returning from teaching at the American […]