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RADIAL KERATOTOMY Correction: “Proof in Patients” -shared by TeamGulaniAcademy

“Multifocal IOL + RK = 20/20 over 10 years. Ten years later, I walked into Gulani Vision Institute and as always instant recognition and a welcomed hug by none other than Arun C. Gulani himself. As if giving me 20/20 vision by uniquely using a multifocal implant in my scarred, complex Radial Keratotomy(RK) case is not enough, he continuously follows up and selflessly shares his passion with fellow eye surgeons worldwide to raise the bar in helping RK patients see perfect despite our complexities. I still remember 10 years ago when I had this surgery with Dr. Gulani, visiting surgeons were stunned at the surgery and fascinated by the results. I hope every eye surgeon can not only aspire to learn his techniques but his passion to deliver beyond hope.”

– Harry W.

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Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699