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Premium Pterygium & Pinguecula Surgery: Sparkling White Eyes Without Pain or Stitches

“I had the pleasure of demonstrating today my concepts of what it means to raise #pterygium & #pinguecula to PREMIUM Surgery.

As I operated 😷all day on worldwide 🌍 patients who had arrived for Pterygium and Pinguecula Surgery having suffered from chronic red 👿 eyes, associated dry eyes 🌵 , irritation and the most important symptom of self consciousness due to a constantly red and tired looking eye 👁, it was a pleasure to share their immediate reactions 😊.

Not only is it important to surgically remove the pathology but also deliver sparkling white eyes 👀 with perfect vision 🎯 with no pain, no stitches and no injections.

This, along with a personalized empathetic care 🙏, comfortable 🛋 , eclectic ambience 🏨 and custom designed surgical artistry 👩‍🎨 is what Premium Surgery in Pterygium should be.

@biotissue @alconlife #pinguecula #pterygium #redeyes #dryeyes #tears #katena #biolab @dr.arungulani” – Dr. Gulani


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8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699