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Busting Myths with Results:

Radial Keratotomy Complications to 20/20.

Here is my patient who traveled back from Tennessee after five years when he was referred to me with severe Radial keratotomy Complications worsened by more Lasik and EpiLasik and other Laser Techniques by different surgeons who finally gave up and called him a “ Nightmare”!

Had these wonderful surgeons only believed that this patient could see, I’m sure they had the skills that could have brought him to the vision I delivered within four minutes; 20/20 without glasses or contact lenses.

His topography too showed zero postoperative Astigmatism coming down from 7D irregular Astigmatism and Blinding vision.

It is my pleasure to keep on encouraging my fellow surgeons to believe in their skills and their patient’s potential and once again sharing impromptu videos of my regular day today because there is no higher level of accountability than a patient on camera.

Go be a doctor!” – Dr. Gulani

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Contact Form for Eye Surgeons

Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699