Category: Teaching
WORLD’S 1st Congress dedicated only to Scleral lenses was a great success.
The speakers are some of the best Scleral lens fitters in the world! It feels wonderful to be surrounded by greatness. They all presented outstanding lectures at the ICSC International Congress of Scleral Contacts (1st Annual). Scleral lenses can be miraculous for some patients with serious eye problems. Tom Arnold, Julie Abraham, and I are […]
Flashback: Dr. Gulani’s Invited Guest for a Guest Lecture
“Very excited for Dr. Gulani’s Invited Guest lecture, “A Doctor Beyond Medicine; The GULANI Story”, at Nova Southeastern University July 27th @5pm! Inspiration “One on One” with the Legend; Arun C. Gulani M.D., M.S.”
For Eye Doctors only, Releasing Our GPS Series
For Eye Doctors only, Releasing Our GPS Series in response to your overwhelming appreciation for my teachings in the worldwide webinars over the weekend.I have picked 2 among our patients from today and would ask all of you eye surgeons and optometrists what YOU would do to bring them to 20/20 Vision.These are simple cases […]