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Secret Sauce Sundays

“Secret Sauce Sundays

My Secret:

Spending 5 to 7 hours on Sunday morning preparing custom-designed surgical plans for each and every patient landing ✈️ in the coming week.
Majority of the patients flying in this week have #Radialkeratotomy Complications including Cataracts in Combination with Radial Keratotomy.
Many of them additionally have corneal scars, extremely high Irregular Astigmatism and complex Cataracts including previous Lasik, PRK and cross-linking surgeries.
Radial Keratotomy was a Surgery in vogue nearly 40 years ago where the eye surgeons would make radial (think spokes of a bicycle wheel 🚲) cuts in the cornea to treat Nearsightedness 🤓

Many of these patients, thousands of them over time 🕤 became farsighted 🦇with difficult #Astigmatism 🏈with further needing reading glasses 🤓 and then also developed Cataracts with age.

These patients most often face lack of options and are labeled as “ impossible”, “complex” and “nightmares” and relegated to contact lenses and transplants, but most of them can actually be corrected confidently and consistently whether they are #nearsighted, #farsighted, have #astigmatism, need to read without #readingglasses and even when they develop #Cataracts to see and see without glasses for the rest of their life.

It is imperative to meditate and plan as my surgery then becomes second nature since my destination for them is already decided.

Though the patients flying from all over the world 🌎 don’t expect their renowned surgeon to spend this much time and energy, I like to teach every surgeon that we owe them our complete commitment 🤝 and performance.

After you have spent all of Sunday morning planning, you deserve to kick back and relax 🏖 and visualize that success before translating it into a performance.” – Dr. Gulani

Dr. Arun Gulani preparing personalized surgical plans for international patients at his office during his Sunday planning ritual.

Focused moment of Dr. Gulani reviewing complex radial keratotomy and cataract cases ahead of a high-performance surgical week.

Dr. Gulani relaxing by the beach after a morning of surgical planning, visualizing success for his upcoming patients from around the world.

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Our Location

8075 Gate Parkway (W)
Suite 102 & 103
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Phone: (904) 296-7393
Fax: 1-888-397-4699